Contact Us

T. 1800 749 224


Address: Christie Centre, Level 1/320 Adelaide St, Brisbane City QLD 4000


About Us

Robert Marks our Managing Director is passionate about home ownership and it shows in everything he does. He's been on point about making a difference for Australians wanting to own their own home for years. There are few people that can be on the record for so many years (about 30 yrs) consistently saying the same thing. As well as doing their best to make sure more Aussies are in their own home.

Since studying accounting he became attracted to real estate because of the enormous power it has to change peoples lives for the better. As a way to make a living as a struggling university student he started selling home sites in Ipswich in the early 90's.

In several Federal Elections he's stood as a candidate and pushed for greater Government assistance for home owners and those wanting to get into their own home. He's disillusioned by the lack of Government strategy around home ownership. So he's put this dynamic new model forward to make a contribution for people and housing. Robert believes its best to lead and actions speak louder than words; he's not waiting to get elected. The family home often forms the foundation of a good life and the legacy we are all capable of leaving to our loved ones.

Part of his professional work history has included project marketing. Which he suggests, with ever increasing housing prices it represents to many, the only first chance to get on the property board and start their housing journey.

Robert has been interviewed in the press and on TV saying the same things like: both Federal and State Governments need to do more in combating the issues surrounding modern housing. They need to cooperate instead of competing with each other, stop focusing on housing as an easy source of revenue.

Governments need to set the planning standard higher. Create communities by involving people in greater proportions of home ownership. New ways and strategies need to be developed outside of the traditional banking and finance models to fund home ownership.

Ideas like making owner occupied mortgages tax deductible against personal income tax, maybe means test it or make a portion of it tax deductible. Allowing negative gearing on newly constructed properties only and shortening the term to say 12 years with accelerated depreciation in the first 3 years. Remove Stamp duty on existing owner occupier homes. There are plenty of alternatives to the archaic multilevel systems employed currently by Government. We need to start prodding our elected officials and give them these ideas.

In the meanwhile until politicians catch up Robert Marks is making a contribution to the community with QLD No Deposit New Homes.



Q - Why do you assess everyone’s situation?

A - Our assessment is easy but very precise and allows our consultants to advise all of your new home options without wasting your time.

Q - Can I build in a location/estate of my choice?

A - Yes you can, provided the estate is within our building locations. Once we know your borrowing capacity we can sit down and discuss options that suit.

Q - What if I’m not a first home buyer?

A - We have a range of options for clients who have owned a home before, your first step is knowing how much you can borrow.

Q - What is the first step?

A - Our first step is simple and very easy, we assess your situation and calculate how much you can borrow. Then we can go through all your new home options.

Q - How much do I need to earn?

A - We don’t pre-judge anyone, income vs debt equals how much you can borrow. Everyone is different.

Q - What does borrowing capacity mean?

A - This is the amount you can borrow/or spend on your new home, subject to final approval.